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A Bit About Us

We know what it's like not to be able to breathe

We started working with children with asthma in 2017.

We believe that children learn about asthma best through play, so we have an asthma challenge badge  for them to complete and we can teach schools about how singing helps children with asthma asthma.


Then came the Coronavirus  pandemic, so we started working with adults too.


We decided to see if we could make Trafford in Greater Manchester, the UK's first 'breathing-friendly town': somewhere where people know how to help others with breathing problems.


And we also decided to test out social ways to help people to breathe better - It's called 'social prescribing'


In Trafford we now offer

Singing for lung health classes every week

A weekly Dance Easy Latin American and Ballroom class - seated or standing

A nature therapy activity called forest bathing in Sale and Stretford


We now share what we do with other communities. So if you'd like to set up your own breathing friendly activities, get in touch!


BreathChamps is led by a multiple-award winning Queen's Nurse called Heather Henry, who has had breathing problems all her life.

We became a community interest company in 2020. This means that we trade for the benefit of the community and that any profit is used for the benefit of the people of Greater Manchester. The company is managed by Heather plus 3 other directors: two senior leaders in the charity and pensions industry and a global health adviser.

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